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Want to Get White Child, Making Love at 05.00 am

Senin, 27 Juli 2009

Want to Get White Child, Making Love at 05.00 am

ENGINEERING survive in the copula be a very important and has a special place in Assikalaibineng. And once again, the husband becomes the key factor.

Scripture copula of Bugis Assikalaibineng knows this is correct that the husband is always more quickly complete the relationship rather than women. Compose one, patience, concentration, and start with the taksim sentence highly recommended prior to foreplay.

Manuscript of Assikalaibineng is very important quality of the relationship rather frequency or multi orgasm. Assikalaibineng science is a lust, to train the soul to keep concentration and not defeated by carnality.

But essentially, Assikalaibineng not lelaku or taswawwuf related to the body, more than that Assikalaibnineng early stages is to make children smarter, believe, have a healthy physical. The essence of the teachings of this generation is how to make the appropriate claim next religion followers. (h.151)

Many theories sexuality revealed that as the peak potential ejaculation sexual pleasure for men rather than women, higher. Comparison is eight times for her husband, and one for the wife.

In fact, some wife could never even feel orgasm the time, even the long life manages. Assikalaibaineng, claimed that this occurred because the husband is not even know or do not want to know the sex of the lelaku quality.

Emonde Boaz, an American doctor and even had original research, from 1400 men who contract the disease recorded weak orgasm, only seven are weak because of physical causes, the other because the spiritual or psychological, "

He continue, "soul factors that cause the biggest mover as well as someone to have sex, while the body and is the only means of reproduction tools for conducting a psychological study of life.

While the techniques to manage one's breath, how to penetration, and close relationship with massages stimulus point to a number of women, and accompany his wife sleeps in a blanket or sarong is a form of maintaining the quality of the end of the relationship.

Practical knowledge as a good and less good for the body is also related in detail in the book is set. "No all throughout the night into the right time to copulate." (hal.166)

There is a screw with a time of quality child ovulated, such as skin color of children. To obtain a white child, the copulate is done after ISYA. For children of color, done fuck midnight (tahajjud before prayer), the skin color of children as red the copulate done between midnight and Isya.

While for white children luminous, with the estimate made copulate period ending the morning up in the morning. Or more precisely performed after solat dawn, at 05.15 to 06.00 if the time in Indonesia. This is at once so that makes it easier junub bath.

In particular, this book is the initiator of the husband and wife to remind, to adjust the sleep time with the desire to fuck. For that, the issue of time has big affects of psychological and biological, particularly the wife.

Adjust the sleep time

Text of Assikalaibineng specifically mentions the relation of time to sleep with the wife calls her husband fuck. Assikalaibineng A hal.72-73 says, "If a husband invites his wife related the time sleeping, so he treated himself to feel loving (ricirinnai) and valued (ripakalebbiri). But if the wife was sleeping asleep, then the husband wake up her to copulate, then the wife will be felt as sex slaves, who called with ripatinro jemma.

The matter to wake up of the wife to bed fast asleep, Assikalaibineng also provide effective ways. Scripture seems to know this right, that if after the wife orgasm usually directly asleep. To show affection, then the man can be in touch after taking water and take two drops of water to his wife face.

After his wife awakened, the man gives massage early in the brow, eyes; kiss the crown, the massage the pelvis and then communicativeness moment. The conversation for this wife will be remembered

4 komentar:

Santai Disini by : Jianto mengatakan...

is that realy Ml in the morning can make get white child, did you ever try before and good result

stroevanka mengatakan...

i havent try before,,,, that's just an article and i get those article from newspaper, and you know all article from newpaper is real..... and i this take from Assikalaibineng the anciet book and this just a theory,,,,,, you can beliefe it or not.... that's up 2 u,,,,,, i just want to share

Rofie mengatakan...

i m here ... nice blog and information..

stroevanka mengatakan...

thank roffie

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