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Open Your Day With Morning Sex

Minggu, 26 Juli 2009

Open Your Day With Morning Sex

Opening day bed with a fun activity, it will transmit positive energy. Feeling good that can be incurred to bring you through the day with the smile.

If you wake up when you get to sleep Mr. P also "wake up", do not delay to make a morning sex immediately. The sperm production of Mr. P in the morning is in optimum conditions. So, there's no reason to tempt couples act "wild" in the morning.

To begin, you must do the right steps. Just a little wrong, you may lose the opportunity to reach peak enjoyment. These steps can be a place of interesting sexual exploration.

Wake him with the soft

Give her surprise with wake up in softly. Wipe the hair, and give warm smacker on her head can deliver ‘love’ energy by the spouse.

After that, you can continue to smacker nose, cheeks, and lips. Do with the soft and heartfelt. Although Mr. P is in turn on condition, but do not do with the rash!

For, rather successfully coax couples to enjoy the beautiful morning sex, you can even fail to build the mood to make him. Action bed was only a dream.

Give her sexy praise

Women often do not feel sexy when sleeping awake. So, you have to give the impression section. One of them is with honors.

You may want to start with the opening day with making in love with him. Intimate hug from behind the body he will make the atmosphere feel more sensual.

If he received a hug and caresses your back, it's time you attack Mr. P Miss V on it.

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