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Homosexual is not Sexual Diversion

Minggu, 26 Juli 2009

Homosexual is not Sexual Diversion

JAKARTA, TUESDAY - homosexuality is no longer classified as a mental disturbance or sexual misuse. Even the term homosexuality as a deviant sexual orientation is not appropriate and misleading because it gives a negative impact, such as stigmatization, excision by the people who get less than the correct information.

Said psychiatry Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia Lukas Mangindaan, SpKJ in the national seminar "Sexualias yang ditabukan: Challenges diversity" in the Hotel Sahid Jaya, Jakarta, today, Tuesday (11/11).

Lukas said, the interruption acknowledge homosexuality as a mental decision from the World Health Organization (WHO) on 17 May 1990 and is listed in the MOH RI Guideline Diagnosis and classification Disorders Life in India 1983 edition II (II PPDGJ) and PPDGJ III (1993 ).

"So is that gay orientation does not meet the criteria of mental disturbance or mental illness," he said.

He explains homosexuality, bisexualities and heterosexuality now classified as part of someone's identity. "Self-identity is characteristics typical of someone such as your name, age, sex, including sexual orientation (heterosexual, bisexual, gay). The identity needs to be distinguished with the behavior, because the identity needs to be neutral and accepted as such, but the behavior can be positive, negative, neutral, and others. So do not identity with the behavior, "he said.

Lukas emphasizes the need to see the various types of identity as part of human diversity and behave pluralistic without apriority attitude. "Efforts to empathic are the ability to understand and put them self in their place the marginalized need to be developed. Homophobia attitude that set aside, harassment, discrimination and the treatment of violence in the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) must be removed. This is need socialized in the community, "he explained.

The founder of the Foundation of Gaya Nusantara Dede Oetomo, not all religions and belief systems forbid homosexuality and transgender. "Think back on the teachings that forbid homosexuality transgender and religion have done some things that are against it that is not the view to kill that homosexuality and transgender," he said.

The role of the state to protect the rights of LGBT people, Dede said should be developed to go to a life together better.

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