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Want to Get White Child, Making Love at 05.00 am

Senin, 27 Juli 2009

Want to Get White Child, Making Love at 05.00 am

ENGINEERING survive in the copula be a very important and has a special place in Assikalaibineng. And once again, the husband becomes the key factor.

Scripture copula of Bugis Assikalaibineng knows this is correct that the husband is always more quickly complete the relationship rather than women. Compose one, patience, concentration, and start with the taksim sentence highly recommended prior to foreplay.

Manuscript of Assikalaibineng is very important quality of the relationship rather frequency or multi orgasm. Assikalaibineng science is a lust, to train the soul to keep concentration and not defeated by carnality.

But essentially, Assikalaibineng not lelaku or taswawwuf related to the body, more than that Assikalaibnineng early stages is to make children smarter, believe, have a healthy physical. The essence of the teachings of this generation is how to make the appropriate claim next religion followers. (h.151)

Many theories sexuality revealed that as the peak potential ejaculation sexual pleasure for men rather than women, higher. Comparison is eight times for her husband, and one for the wife.

In fact, some wife could never even feel orgasm the time, even the long life manages. Assikalaibaineng, claimed that this occurred because the husband is not even know or do not want to know the sex of the lelaku quality.

Emonde Boaz, an American doctor and even had original research, from 1400 men who contract the disease recorded weak orgasm, only seven are weak because of physical causes, the other because the spiritual or psychological, "

He continue, "soul factors that cause the biggest mover as well as someone to have sex, while the body and is the only means of reproduction tools for conducting a psychological study of life.

While the techniques to manage one's breath, how to penetration, and close relationship with massages stimulus point to a number of women, and accompany his wife sleeps in a blanket or sarong is a form of maintaining the quality of the end of the relationship.

Practical knowledge as a good and less good for the body is also related in detail in the book is set. "No all throughout the night into the right time to copulate." (hal.166)

There is a screw with a time of quality child ovulated, such as skin color of children. To obtain a white child, the copulate is done after ISYA. For children of color, done fuck midnight (tahajjud before prayer), the skin color of children as red the copulate done between midnight and Isya.

While for white children luminous, with the estimate made copulate period ending the morning up in the morning. Or more precisely performed after solat dawn, at 05.15 to 06.00 if the time in Indonesia. This is at once so that makes it easier junub bath.

In particular, this book is the initiator of the husband and wife to remind, to adjust the sleep time with the desire to fuck. For that, the issue of time has big affects of psychological and biological, particularly the wife.

Adjust the sleep time

Text of Assikalaibineng specifically mentions the relation of time to sleep with the wife calls her husband fuck. Assikalaibineng A hal.72-73 says, "If a husband invites his wife related the time sleeping, so he treated himself to feel loving (ricirinnai) and valued (ripakalebbiri). But if the wife was sleeping asleep, then the husband wake up her to copulate, then the wife will be felt as sex slaves, who called with ripatinro jemma.

The matter to wake up of the wife to bed fast asleep, Assikalaibineng also provide effective ways. Scripture seems to know this right, that if after the wife orgasm usually directly asleep. To show affection, then the man can be in touch after taking water and take two drops of water to his wife face.

After his wife awakened, the man gives massage early in the brow, eyes; kiss the crown, the massage the pelvis and then communicativeness moment. The conversation for this wife will be remembered

Bathroom Together, your Action Menu Roll

Bathroom Together, your Action Menu Roll

IF you want to have sex in the water, you will get double experience. Not only for treatment, but at the same time you will get orgasmic experience.

For you who want to open a bed with the action of the bath with him, Cosmopolitan give the steps.

Bathroom with under water

Spur appetite make a bath together with the pair. Bring along with a few couples seduce. Say you want to enjoy being water shower tandem with it.

If he receives a call, then you can start the swing action prankish. Give a kiss on the lips rage and come down to the neck. Perform the same way as is often done when you make love.

You can also stare in the eyes, and say that you are loving him.

The action menu bed

After fondling smooth action, it is now the time for the attack him. In this way, guaranteed to make direct will make Mr. P is turn on. Then rub the back with her soft. Then hug him from behind.

Paste the breast with the pair back. Let him feel the sensation of pressure your breasts. Then, you can touch his sensitive area.

Play your finger around its Mr. P Use the hands to touch and play to its Mr. P Then, whisper sentence so you want it tonight. Give soft caress on the back.

If the reaction is not known so couples and reply to you with flattery fervent desire. This good time to ended bath together and immediately switch to the bed.

Is interesting it?

Homosexual is not Sexual Diversion

Minggu, 26 Juli 2009

Homosexual is not Sexual Diversion

JAKARTA, TUESDAY - homosexuality is no longer classified as a mental disturbance or sexual misuse. Even the term homosexuality as a deviant sexual orientation is not appropriate and misleading because it gives a negative impact, such as stigmatization, excision by the people who get less than the correct information.

Said psychiatry Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia Lukas Mangindaan, SpKJ in the national seminar "Sexualias yang ditabukan: Challenges diversity" in the Hotel Sahid Jaya, Jakarta, today, Tuesday (11/11).

Lukas said, the interruption acknowledge homosexuality as a mental decision from the World Health Organization (WHO) on 17 May 1990 and is listed in the MOH RI Guideline Diagnosis and classification Disorders Life in India 1983 edition II (II PPDGJ) and PPDGJ III (1993 ).

"So is that gay orientation does not meet the criteria of mental disturbance or mental illness," he said.

He explains homosexuality, bisexualities and heterosexuality now classified as part of someone's identity. "Self-identity is characteristics typical of someone such as your name, age, sex, including sexual orientation (heterosexual, bisexual, gay). The identity needs to be distinguished with the behavior, because the identity needs to be neutral and accepted as such, but the behavior can be positive, negative, neutral, and others. So do not identity with the behavior, "he said.

Lukas emphasizes the need to see the various types of identity as part of human diversity and behave pluralistic without apriority attitude. "Efforts to empathic are the ability to understand and put them self in their place the marginalized need to be developed. Homophobia attitude that set aside, harassment, discrimination and the treatment of violence in the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) must be removed. This is need socialized in the community, "he explained.

The founder of the Foundation of Gaya Nusantara Dede Oetomo, not all religions and belief systems forbid homosexuality and transgender. "Think back on the teachings that forbid homosexuality transgender and religion have done some things that are against it that is not the view to kill that homosexuality and transgender," he said.

The role of the state to protect the rights of LGBT people, Dede said should be developed to go to a life together better.

Open Your Day With Morning Sex

Open Your Day With Morning Sex

Opening day bed with a fun activity, it will transmit positive energy. Feeling good that can be incurred to bring you through the day with the smile.

If you wake up when you get to sleep Mr. P also "wake up", do not delay to make a morning sex immediately. The sperm production of Mr. P in the morning is in optimum conditions. So, there's no reason to tempt couples act "wild" in the morning.

To begin, you must do the right steps. Just a little wrong, you may lose the opportunity to reach peak enjoyment. These steps can be a place of interesting sexual exploration.

Wake him with the soft

Give her surprise with wake up in softly. Wipe the hair, and give warm smacker on her head can deliver ‘love’ energy by the spouse.

After that, you can continue to smacker nose, cheeks, and lips. Do with the soft and heartfelt. Although Mr. P is in turn on condition, but do not do with the rash!

For, rather successfully coax couples to enjoy the beautiful morning sex, you can even fail to build the mood to make him. Action bed was only a dream.

Give her sexy praise

Women often do not feel sexy when sleeping awake. So, you have to give the impression section. One of them is with honors.

You may want to start with the opening day with making in love with him. Intimate hug from behind the body he will make the atmosphere feel more sensual.

If he received a hug and caresses your back, it's time you attack Mr. P Miss V on it.

13 Types of Compulsory Sex Couples made

Sabtu, 25 Juli 2009

13 Types of Compulsory Sex Couples made

Sex is the most fun activity, but if done with the same action only, the long run will be the most boring activity. Change this habit so that sex does not just become routine. Sexual experimentation is a key to maintaining long-term relationship fresh, fun, and mutually satisfying. Convey what the expectations and your needs of your relationship will make you and your partner more closely. "Sharing experiment requires willingness to accept (the desire pair), which will increase the intimacy," said Mort Fertel, wedding consultant in Baltimore and the creator of Marriage Fitness Program.

If you want to break in routine, the 13 types of sexual relationship you can try this.

Holiday Sex
Day, holiday or long weekend, a moment that fit to carry "obligations" you. Moreover, if in the days before you make a call reject diligent husband by reason of exhaustion. Do not make any promises on the holidays, including to the mall with her husband. Take advantage of free time to relax at home, the message that good food, watching movies in the room, and end with a make.

Make-Up Sex
Many couples want to make a sudden after a quarrel and fine. Why? For altercate dopamine release hormones, adrenalin and improve, so that makes you and your partner more enthusiastic. So, you need not fret if you are the quarrel with him. Sex after the disagreements will be a fun way to get good relationship. "When you and your partner each other of sorts, you should be able to forget it. Sex change momentum arguments are appropriate," said Fertel.

Sex Vacation
Holidays can be a good opportunity for you to relax and revive your relationship with him. "One of the advantages of vacation is that you can renew your sexual intimacy," says Fertel. If you are planning a trip all the detail, make sure you also make schedule events. For example, we stayed in the room until lunch time, or go back to the room after dinner to spend the time to relax.

Animalistic Sex
Pain hunt can also be viewed in a manner that is positive. He became aggressive, and this is fun, because you do not know what will he done. For example, he is no longer worry whether you have to remove the clothes or not, or whether the space around or in a neat, dark or light. That he wanted to run with all of nature.

Comfort Sex
Sometimes, you also need something simple, comfortable, and satisfying. This kind of sex can be a moment to express my sense of one another, or you support him the day after a heavy experience in the office. You can apply that position to become your favorites so that both can be mutually satisfying.

Hope-We-Do-Get-Caught Sex
Once when you were trapped in the event where guests are not guests-you know, a family meeting or boring? You can banish boredom with the breeze in to the hotel room, change room, or any personal space. Meet him at the there

Fulfill-Your-Fantasy Sex
Each person has a certain sexual fantasy. Once in a while, you will need to submit your sexual fantasy on her husband, and see how the reaction. When he was excited, try to ask what his sexual fantasy. Then, he Engage for practice it "It is true we do try our imagination, as far as it can still be done," says Fertel.

Quickie Sex
Because of to be done quickly, you should ignore the foreplay. Therefore, make sure you also want it. If you're reluctant, but willing to do just for fun, husband, hm .... You make a mistake. Once you agree, you can do so at any time. From simply receiving the call shortly before he make to the office, stealing time in the fitting room while you're trying something, or sneak out in between the coffee break during a seminar.

Romantic, Sensual Sex
Set aside the time (not leaving time) to be able to enjoy sex without a hurry, can be an opportunity to "luxury". Make it appear you do first with new husband: all prepared with the mature, slowly, with a styled romantic atmosphere, soft music, aromatherapy with the calm. That way you will enjoy every moment of togetherness to make the relationship more intimate feel.

All-Over-the-House Sex
Regional "colony" is your bed and room only? Try to do so in the other rooms in your home. The essence of sex is actually more a kind of spontaneity in the relationship. "Spontaneity is beautiful, fun, and stir," says Fertel. Often, according to him, people were trapped in the routines which they perform intimate relationship at the same time, the same place, even the same position. This will cause the sexual activity becomes boring.

Outdoor Sex
Ask the children to play elsewhere, or wait until they terlelap. After that, comes your turn to "play" on the page, in the garage, or in a room above the balcony. Leave the door open. Of course, you probably do not have intercourse in the terrace houses, along beaches, or in places where there will be many. Enough with each other cocker parts of you and the sensitive he is.

Position of the Week Sex Try a new position provides an opportunity for you to recognize what is comfortable and enjoyable for you and your partner. Who knew that you had not reached orgasme can find a position that allows you to get it? This will make you happy and relieved because there are ways to get enjoyment, and what does not work for you. Do as a distraction to make intimate relationships remain fresh, and prevent it becoming routine.

Marathon Sex
Rains are not so swift, but equally in all places. Usually this kind of rain will persist. No other activities that take one day be carried out except in the room and crouch in her hug. Making love seems relaxed with time will never pass away. Calculate how many times you reach your peak. When the sexual energy you have torrential fully, you will both feel so tired but satisfied.

Labia Is One Way to Make a Women Foreplay

Jumat, 24 Juli 2009

Labia Is One Way to Make a Women Foreplay

Do not only consent to the clitoris area of the woman! Section, there are many other parts that can be explored by men, which of course can make a woman up to sail the seven heavens.

In fact, clitoris is not the only area from which Miss V on the crawl by Adam. The outside of the Miss V or known by the name of the labia, can make the women tremble when "played" by the appropriate party.

"In fact, some women more enthusiast when the labia of Miss V is' played 'rather than the clitoris," said psychologist as well as Sex Therapy, Stephanie Buehler.

In fact, Stephanie is also the Head of Buehler Institute in Orange County, California revealed that the area directly touched clitoris that can make women ill feel.

"Believe it or not, for some women touch directly on the clitoris Miss V in the long period of time can be a fun thing that is not in their eyes," augment him.

Still according to Stephanie, even though the effect of "play" not sehebat klitoris labia, but touch can still make a silly woman.

"Despite the labia do not se-sensitive clitoris. However, the stimulus will create the right woman at one blow," he said.


Senin, 20 Juli 2009


LONDON, The increasing number obesity cases in this world it is said to be one of the causes of the emergence of global warming. What relationship?

Scientists warn that the increasing number of glutton also show increased production of food, the biggest causes of CO2 gas emissions that heat the earth planet.

Obesity is also said to participate in environmental damage. Dr Phil Edwards from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine said, "The fat found in someone who is responsible for the obesity discharge se-ton carbon dioxide each year." That means billions of tons of CO2 each year there.

Scientists said global warming causes the polar ice in north and increase the surface sea water and the jungle.

Effect of fat on the environment is increasingly visible especially those who are most overweight lazy to exercise. They prefer to drive a car, the biggest cause of carbon emissions.

Scientists at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine said developed countries such as the United States and the UK have this problem.

Phil said, "Production of food reaches at least one fifth of the number of gas-greenhouse gases." Therefore, go Phil; efforts need to be a down trend Obesity. This is a key factor in the fight against carbon emissions and slow climate change.



JAKARTA, Obesity can disturb erects. This is said by Prof.. DR. Dr. Wimpie Pangkahila in the symposium that held by The Unity of Anti-Penuaan Medical Indonesia in Jakarta, Saturday (18 / 7).

Erects interference be divided into two parts, the erect already experienced since the beginning of the disturbances and a new experience after previously working well. One of the causes of second disturbances is Obesity.

In general, the Obesity changes in the total amount of blood and the function of the heart while the distribution of fat around the chest and abdomen so that the limit process and respiratory and will ultimately change the function of respiratory. This change will decrease the function of organs related to sexual function and ultimately result in erects disruption.

To deal with interference erects for Obesity are 3 steps you can follow. First is to find the factors that because any erects interference due to obesity. Second is the cure or treat factors that cause it. That can be controlled with diet, exercise, healthy living, and care.

Third is to restore the erect function. There are 4 things you can do. The first is to do counseling about your sexual. The second is to use drugs such as Viagra. Third with intracavernous inject. Fourth is to perform the operation, but operating at this time to overcome the erect problem never be done again.

Multi Orgasm With Kegel Exercises

Sabtu, 18 Juli 2009

Multi Orgasm With Kegel Exercises

NOT confidential if kegel exercises can help someone achieve extraordinary multi orgasm who have never experienced before. For you who want to reach the point of delight, now is time to train pelvic muscles.
Known by the name of the PC muscle (Muscle PuboCoccygeal), this muscle is attached to the bone, pelvis, and a role as the cradle organs in the pelvis that is humane, urine bags, and intestine.

Kristin Scott in the book containing the tip to reveal the sex, kegel exercises are highly recommended for women. For the activities, Miss V will muscle much faster. The effect, power tong Mr. P scuffle took place when the event will be felt more strongly.

Kegel exercises are done with ease. Try movements like holding urine (you may not originally), which is done regularly. Hold thigh muscle in a matter of a few, press, and relaxation the PC muscle slowly but surely.

At the beginning of the exercise, try a consistent measure. Practice to 25 or 30 times one count each repetition.

With kegel exercises, female orgasm will reach more easily and quickly. Not only for women, kegel exercises can also be done by the men. Interestingly, with diligent practice kegel can control the occurrence of early ejaculation. In addition, make erections the stronger and increase sexual satisfaction while orgasm.

With this exercise, you and your partner can achieve multi orgasm simultaneously. Is interesting it?

New Condoms for Women Not noisy When Used

New Condoms for Women Not noisy When Used

NEW YORK, Condom for women, a cheaper, more users, easier to use (friendly), it will be more effective in fighting HIV / AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Female condom was introduced to have started since 1993, but until now still be used simply to prevent pregnancy. Female condom is not publishing for the prevention of HIV / AIDS and STDs, so that the level of use is still very small.

The situation seems to be changed immediately, followed by female condom new version of Female Health Co was approved, months ago by the FDA. New version of female condom is use FC2.

Around 35 million female condoms were distributed to the world years ago, but the amount is very small if compared to more than 10 million male condoms. First the price of male condoms is cheaper. Also how to use them are more easily. The problem, many men in the countries of the risk of HIV / AIDS is high reject the use of condoms.

Although both have the same nature, they are, soft, transparent, FC2 made from synthetic rubber, not Polyurethane. With a synthetic rubber material, the production costs become cheaper FC2.

Former President of Female Health Co., Mary Ann Leeper, who is now a strategy adviser stated, FC2 does not cause the noise when in use. Please note, which the complaint against the noise that is the female condom, which caused the old version received less the women themselves.

With the cost of production that only a third of previous versions, FC2 can be expected distributed far more than now. For now, the price of female condoms are about 60 cents U.S. dollars, far more expensive than male condoms is 4 cents.

How about FC2? Female condom is a new version is said to have received various international organizations. Female Health Co. years ago even has to sell to the world as much as 14 million.

Safe Ways to Oral Sex

Kamis, 16 Juli 2009

Safe Ways to Oral Sex

While there have been many warnings about oral sex, for example, can cause the spread of virus diseases, people are not directly reduce the activity of this type of sex. Known, many couples consider oral sex more than provide a sense of intimate intercourse its own. Clitoral stimulus directly on the oral sex cause a woman more easily reach the orgasm, compared with doing the intercourse. On the other hand, men also get a more intense pleasure with oral sex.

But for many other couples, oral sex is a challenge. But oral sex can not happen if you are still timid with the pair. To be able to do so, we must first feel comfortable with the Mr. P. Meanwhile, when you become a party to receive "service", you should also feel comfortable with Ms V on your own. If not comfortable, we will not get the desired comfort, satisfaction or provide the expected pair.

"Oral sex is the one of sexual activity the most erotic, exciting, and satisfying, you can do," said Dr. Ava Cadell, sex therapist and author book The Pocket Idiot's Guide to Oral Sex. "That is one part that needed to be great lovers. So if you want one, while others decline, it can cause the relationship to become distracted."

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 90 percent of men and women perform oral sex once in their lives. Indeed, does not mean they still do it routinely, or whether they direct it. Why have some of them do not even want to try it, do not feel worried with their hygiene. Others do not like the "taste" (although there are now feeling a variety of condoms). The other more concerned with not able to do both. The rest simply say that the place on the face so close to the body that are usually covered is not fun.
Mutual compromise

We do not need to do something that is not convenient for us, but no one we do something to overcome the obstacles that limit the enjoyment you and a partner, is not it? You believe or not, almost all of reluctance about oral sex that can be overcome with a simple explanation.

"If you question the cleanliness, you can take a bath first with your partner," says Ian Kerner, author book She Comes First and He Comes Next. "If a man does not like oral sex for partners, he needs to know that the vagina has a self-cleaning ecosystem," he explained. On the other hand, he added, if a woman combining oral sex with manual stimulation (with hands) to avoid the feeling you want to choke, and ask not to encourage spouses in too, they can still compromise. You only need to do it slowly.

Another thing you need to know, the party receiving oral sex should not be the only one who enjoyed the session. When you squeeze Mr P is, and see how he is enjoying, but also provide the stimulus for you. Even if you like to give oral sex for couples, but you do not like it is not a problem. However, you can try to identify the causes. Because, "People who do not enjoy oral sex usually have a psychological barrier," said Dr. Cadell.

Cause, because one party was forced to do so. For example, women who are not related mood for sex, forced to give oral sex (fellatio or) to the spouse. Or, men who "committed" to give oral sex to spouses reach orgasm, when-again-spouses are not to touch, or feel uncomfortable to do so.

If you make a compromise, a compromise should be approved in both parties and mutually satisfying one another. "Do not let fear determine what you should do, except not fun like this," said Dr Suggestions Sharna L. Striar, a certified sex therapist in New York City. "Oral sex should be fun, to provide variation, and increase enjoyment. But as this is very intimate, you must communicate with each other about what is desirable and necessary."

Make sure you also have to communicate to do before!

Sex Without Pregnant

Sex Without Pregnant

Not all married couples want to have a direct child. Want to study or pursue a career ladder is usually the reason. If you do not want to use the contraceptive tools, how to have sex without risking pregnancy? Does using a condom can guarantee will not be pregnant?

Actual prevention or delay pregnancy by using the calendar system KB or periodic abstinence has highest failed the compared with contraceptive other methods.

Why? Because even if you have a regular menstrual cycle, often going inaccuracies in determining your fertile period. Thus, it is not advisable to use this method if you really do not want the pregnancy.

Meanwhile, the barrier methods such as condoms have a level of success are higher to prevent pregnancy, at around 80-95 percent. For additional information, there is no method of contraception can provide 100 percent guarantee to prevent pregnancy.

Each method has different number of successes and failure. So, depending on your choice. Choose a convenient means of contraception for you.


Rabu, 15 Juli 2009


ACTIVITIES make feel less than optimal if your stomach and the pair in the hungry condition. Sirloin steak dish with a salad can be a smooth solution in the combat action bed.

"Devour sirloin steak before make that can increase Libido. Per protein in the meat without the fat can stimulate production of dopamine and nor epinephrine hormones naturally," said Sarah Brewer, author book "Increase Your Sex Drive (Thorsons), as quoted The Sun.

"Dopamine and nor epinephrine are chemical substances in the brain that can increase the level of sensitivity when Mr. P and Miss V met," added Sarah.

Sarah explains again, in the steak, there is iron, minerals that can be trusted Libido increase production by reducing the hormone prolactin in the body.


Selasa, 14 Juli 2009


Childhood experiences that can impact a bad choice for someone sex. Evidence, experience a bad childhood can cause someone like the kind of fellow.

Next was the discussion Dr Naek L Tobing:

Love one another type of sexual orientation is different from the majority of the people who heterosexual. But this is not acceptable in India. Moreover, if told to the family, they will be angry and reminded about the value and religion.

Other well as abroad, there homosexual and lesbian people may have been well received.

Usually like each other due to some type of factors, namely:

The default, in which since the first, or when there has been little interested in the same taste, although there is no type of factors that influent.

Psychological factors, including experience in the adult small to see and experience the inconvenience and fear experienced by the mother (the daughter) or father (the son).

This will cause the child does not have any prominent figures identify the type of parents who either opponent, so he chose (the unconscious) for the better does not deal with it, or in other words, it becomes like a same type of trauma because of the past that have been experienced by he or other people in the surrounding areas.

Many psychologists or researchers also argued that the environment (social construction) influence the development of a child, including the establishment or selection her/he sexuality orientation.

For example, how a parent educate their children, family relations, environment or Meeting association, and factors other fuse. If the feelings are affecting the default factors, then can not be solved even though he'd like to change.

Meanwhile, when if a psychological factor was the influent factor, then it could be a new way that is forced to the opposite type, focus, and also exercise. But still, will never lose 100 percent.



Porn Film is a reference for a man to making love with their partner. Unfortunately, not all men watch the porn film. Men are afraid to compete with major players in the film.

According to a survey conducted by Men's Health Forum, the fear of this kind does not directly affect the male psychology to get great sex. So men can not trust their self to make her partner fell comfort.

"Those who have not interesting in sex is the average age of 18-59 years," write the site The Sun.

In addition to the above reasons, the independent women also triggered a major reason why men's sexual desire does not work effectively. Now the women more confident and can satisfy sexual desires without having to involve the private pair. With masturbate or with "sex toys" they can get their sex.

Each year 700,000 Make Adolescent abortion

Each year 700,000 Make Adolescent abortion

Blora - In Indonesia, every year there are 2.6 million cases of abortion. As many as 700,000 actors that abortion is a teenager or woman aged less than 20 years. Main causes are the lack of protection of women.

That discussed in the seminar "Women's Protection Policy and Adolescent daughter" in the Hotel Almadina, Blora, Central Java, on Thursday (2 / 7). The seminar was held for Women's Empowerment, Child Protection and Family Planning in cooperation with the State Ministry for Women.

Staff Assistant Deputy Social Issues Women's Affairs Ministry of State for Women, Atwirlany Ritonga, writing in the medical journal The Lancet in October 2006 edition of that every year there are 19 million-20 million abortion in the world. Abortion was not done in a safe and 97 percent occur in developing countries.

"Health World Health Organization (WHO) said in 2006, abortion cause 68,000 deaths. Abortion causes millions of women injured and suffered permanent disability, "said Atwirlany.

Deputy III Protection of the Ministry of Women Empowerment of Women State Endang Susilowati Poerjoto said, most actors do abortion because the pregnancy is not desired. This indicates that one of the main factors is the lack of protection of abortion on women.

Often women, especially young girls, do not get the conventional treatment of male friends. Not infrequently they experienced sexual violence from relatives, neighbors, or even the father uterus.

According Susilowati, inadequate protection of women lead to drug-addicted teenage daughter. In 2007, the Ministry of State for Women's Empowerment record drug abuse mortality per 15,000 person years.

"Ministry has been facilitating the 135 districts and cities in Indonesia to establish protection of women's bodies in order to prevent the case was not increased and penetrated to the villages," he said. Each local government, he added, need to make policy based on gender equality. They must implement the zero tolerance policy for violence against women.


Senin, 13 Juli 2009


Quick View bugil (wear no-cloth) be the end of the beautiful stories of you and your partner in bed. But of fact, not all couples want to hurry the wild their every action. Especially when paired strip panties.

According to the news that Redbookmag be, every woman would like to enjoy long- action been a hot party. Women's hope the action does not go by the board, but sweet and romantic memories throughout his life.

Here is a challenge that must be faced men to always give the impression to both spouses. Men need to know the main rules for sexual relation. Not only the mood people are paired or not, but also stimulate the body charged creative pair. Includes one strip at a woman is wearing a dress.

"Women enjoy the most spontaneous action male strip her clothes and more for their under-wear. Where men can play their fingers of each hand to stroke the skin of a woman's body," says sex coach Patti Britton, Ph.D.

Female' Calf Spur Passionate Sex of Male

Female' Calf Spur Passionate Sex of Male

SELECT calf or intimate female organs? I’m sure that men choose spontaneous intimate female organs. The calf is also a point that women's sexual pleasure is often forgotten.

In the news from Mens Fitness, men often do not know that area there are also women's feet dots stimulus sex. Where is the point spread in the area such as the calf, foot, or single?

Therefore, you should also explore area with a variety of ways. For example, a finger-stroke with the hand or finger plays your tongue. Are soft and do not hurry. If the pair appears to vibrate, then you know how to do right.

If I still can not successfully pair bend the knees, there are other ways that you should practiced. Namely, kiss their feet repeatedly. Next, paste your nose on their feet, so he can feel the warm breath blowing that make the hot atmosphere.

Interested in trying!


Minggu, 12 Juli 2009


YOGYAKARTA - female condom in pharmacies less behavior. Puji Nur Hasanah, pharmacist assistant at the front desk in the K-21 Sagan, Yogyakarta, said in a just sold a pack of female condoms.

Buyers are husband-wife pair. They usually buy because of it's not. Female condom was not known for the television or the newspaper did not have any ads. "I just have never seen them," said Puji, Friday (10 / 7).

The price is quite expensive. Pharmacy in the K-24, a pack (two condoms imported content) is Rp 16,700, much cheaper a pack (fill three) men condoms, only Rp 5.000-Rp 11.000.

Coordinating the National Family Planning (BKKBN) does not prioritize the procurement of female condoms. Procurement of the first female condom, as socialization, conducted early in 2008 and is only distributed to the seven provinces, namely Jakarta, Bali, West Kalimantan, Bangka Belitung, Kepulauan Riau, Papua and West Irian Jaya. The request is to overcome of the HIV / AIDS. Populations in the seven provinces are considered potentially the most HIV / AIDS.

Until now, according to Retno Munfaati, implementing daily BKKBN Head of DIY, there is no discourse of condoms to women because condoms for men are better known.

Women can fear in psychological and not comfortable to see the physical form of the female condom of this synthetic rubber. For, in the bottom of a condom there are spoons as long as glass diameter and as wide as 0.5 cm. Spoons work to absorb the sperm must be inserted in the vagina.

Iin Munfaati, Section Head of Assurance Services BKKBN DIY, explain, female condoms must be installed before the one hour deal. Duration of use was only up to 5 hours.

Of socialization, many women fear that even though only a glimpse to see. Therefore, select the BKKBN was more promote the use of condoms for men. "After all, the women must be more difficult and troublesome to use condoms," said Retno.

The debate about female condoms, according to Retno, still occurs. Activists of women will not agree because of this socialization condom lowering the bargaining position of women. However, observers of HIV / AIDS think this an alternative to condoms to protect women, when men did not want to use condoms. These two parties have the right of each.



Rapid cell research to enter the beginning a new phase. English origin scientist claims creating successful human sperm cells from the tail embryonic (embryonic stem cells) are the first in the world. Through the findings are expected to help infertile men to have children biologically.

Through research for 10 years, scientists develop a basic knowledge of how to design a sperm developing therapeutics that allows less fertile man can have a child. This is expressed by researchers Karim Nayernia of the University of Newcastel, England, which had previously succeeded in producing a baby mouse's sperm made with similar techniques.

Joint research between scientists from Newcastle and the Northeast England Stem Cell Institute has been published in the scientific journal Stem Cells and Development.

The cell is the result of the tail field of basic biological research that brings big breakthrough in the field of medicine. Tail cells are cells that can reproduce differentiated themselves to generate other cell primer.

Theoretically the cells can be a primer in the various body cells, such as heart cells, brain cells, pancreas, or blood vessel.

Still in doubt

Some experts believe other states have not been with the creation of sperm cells Nayernia and his team. According to the critic, the sperm cells are created abnormal.

"From paper to Professor Nayernia that I read, I'm not sure which comes from the sperm cell tail embryonic can be accurately referred to as spermatozoa," said Allan Pacey, senior lecturer in Andrology at the University of Sheffield, UK.

In statement, Pacey said, sperm creation Nayernia not have the size, shape, movement, and sperm function as the original.

Like Pacey, Azim Surani, professor and field physiology reproduction of the University of Cambridge said that the sperm that created a team of experts from Newcastle is still far from the actual sperm cells.

Although Nayernia said her sperm cells show all characteristic of sperm, but critics say the creation is only open a new horizon in the research is still early and can not be used to fertilize egg cells.

According to Nayernia, current law prohibits the government is still the UK's embryo creation of artificial sperm laboratory. In fact, according to him, the main reason of making sperm is to find out the cause of infertilities, not to fertilize egg cells.

The hope there is law to allow scientists to try this so that sperm cells can produce an effective therapy to treat infertilities.

Alcohol Can Reduce Sex Ability

Sabtu, 11 Juli 2009

Alcohol Can Reduce Sex Ability

For those of you who consume to alcohol before sex, since it is customary at this time it stopped. The beverage can thus decrease the ability to perform in sex.

This is expressed by Dr L Tobing Naek in His Consultant Show in Reality magazine, Saturday (11/7/2009).

"If in consume alcohol added again dose, can reduce the ability of the sex," he said.

Therefore, he recommends that practices in the alcoholic beverages in the sex can be reduced, even eliminated, because it only just a habit.

He explains, are usually people who do have sex before the alcohol is intended to lower barriers to have sex. Obstacle is, as timid, or hesitates.

Therefore, usually this is done by couples who are not in the marital bond.


Jumat, 10 Juli 2009


MULTI ORGASM not only make life more fun, sex feels, but can also prevent wrinkling decorate the face. In fact, multi orgasm can also make healthy heart. Really?

As quoted Female first, will worry if you have wrinkles, multi orgasm can help prevent wrinkling the drape around your face and forehead.

About it, the National Health Service (NHS) has a number of suggestions for people who have a regular fitness schedule in their habit. Based on the NHS Direct website, 'exercise' (sports sex) can reduce the risk of heart attack.

Endorphin hormone which is issued along orgasm encourage or stimulate cells in the immunity system, in which cells help someone avoid diseases such as cancer, the risk and help the emergence of more wrinkles around the face.

However, a sex expert said the statement can not be made as mathematically.

"It is good to see NHS promoting sexual activity with both," said Dr Melissa Sayer in the Guardian newspaper.

Although supporting the NHS promotes sexual activity, Dr Melissa did not concur with the expression that says multi orgasm they can make healthy heart.

"There is a benefit for mental health. But to say that the sex-related risk of suffering heart disease and cancer, that argument too far," he said.

NHS Direct said in a statement that the newspaper has been evident from the results of research and clinical facts, and not only are groundless.

Suggestions NHS Direct website published an article in the title of its headline reads, "Reach more than just sleep in the bed."

In fact, if the NHS ensures that sex with a little energy and imagination serve it with the body of comparable athletes.

"Forget jogging or business beset block furiously formed through the stomach sit-ups. Sexual activity using the muscles throughout the body, heart and work are make the lungs more optimal, and burning 300 calories per hour," NHS suggestions.

Make the schedule will still be able to create and shape the body you always ageless. In addition, the sex can increase endorphin production in the body, making the hair lustrous and soft skin. Production of hormones estrogen and testosterones extra can also make your bones and muscles healthier.

Wow, besides getting pleasure. In fact sex is also healthful! Hemmmm.

Malaysia PM Sets Big Reforms to Boost Investment

Malaysia PM Sets Big Reforms to Boost Investment

KUALA LUMPUR - Malaysia's prime minister unveiled a raft of measures on Tuesday to boost investment in the slumping economy, coming close to ending an affirmative action programme for ethnic Malays that critics say has stymied growth.

Najib Razak told a conference in Kuala Lumpur that his government would end rules on foreign investment in most sectors of the economy and would open up the investment management and brokerage industry, as well as property, ending requirements for 30 percent ownership by ethnic Malays.

He also promised reforms of Malaysia's huge government companies such as plantations and property giant Sime Darby, and said they would be forced to sell non-core assets to boost domestic competition in the Southeast Asian nation.

"We have become a successful middle income economy, but we cannot and will not be caught in the middle income country trap," Najib told the conference.

"We need to make the shift to a high income economy or we risk losing growth momentum in our economies and vibrancy in our markets."

The reforms gave the ringgit a small boost and it traded at 3.521 to the dollar at 0500 GMT, up from 3.54 at the open, although data released later showed foreign investors had continued to pull money out of Malaysia this year.

Malaysia is Asia's third most export-dependent nation, seeing shipment slump 26 percent from a year ago as demand for electronics and commodities has been hit by the global downturn. The economy has shrunk 5 percent this year.

Investment flows have dried up and the country has been overtaken by neighbouring Thailand in terms of direct investment since 2001 and portfolio flows turned negative to the tune of 92.3 billion Malaysian ringgit ($26.10 billion) in 2008.

In the first quarter of 2009 they remained negative to the tune of 12.2 billion ringgit, even as investment in other emerging Asian economies has recovered. Malaysia's stock market has risen 20 percent this year, underperforming a 30 percent rise in Asian markets excluding Japan.

"This move will definitely encourage investors to rethink or reconsider Malaysia amid the many choices (in the region) such as Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia," said Wan Suhaimie Wan Saidie, economist at Malaysia's Kenanga investment bank.

Grandmother Connie Brown (The Sun)

Grandmother Connie Brown (The Sun)

LONDON - A grandmother was 101 years old still work for eight hours a day and six days in one weekend. Connie Brown, the name of the grandmother, working at fish shops own.

Store was founded by her husband, Sidney, in 1928. Brown skin every day, cut, and cleans the fish. He claims to not enjoy their jobs and plan to resign.

Quoted from the Sun, since her husband died in 1964, Brown lived in the Pembroke, West Wales, UK, assisted her son, Hilton (73).

"Many people suggest to enjoy my day, but what I do is the best and I love it. At the age of 100 years I consider myself still young," he said.

Stay in the spirit, grandma!


Kamis, 09 Juli 2009


YOGYAKARTA, INDONESIA - The victory of the SBY-Boediono duo in the presidential elections as shown by quick counts on Wednesday indicated that the political machines of political parties did not work effectively, a political analyst said.

"The victory indicated that the people’s preference was more on the figure or popularity of a candidate so that the political machines of political parties were no longer effective to influence voters," Arie Sudjito, socio-political observer of the Gajah Mada University (UGM), said.

He said that the victory also indicated that money politics also had no significant impact on changing the people’s preference for whom to vote. "This should serve as a lesson. So far, there is an opinion that money politics could affect the people’s preference but now it turns out that money politics did not affect them," he said.

He said that field observations in a number of regions indicated that money politics was no longer rife in the 2009 presidential elections. It is not as rife as that in the 2009 legislative elections.

"This means that voters already have their own mind-set with regard to their preference in the presidential elections so that they were no longer affected by money politics," he said.

The results of quick counts by a number of survey institutions on Wednesday’s presidential polls indicated that the Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono - Boediono (SBY-Boediono) presidential pair led the vote counts by about 60 percent while two of its rivals, Mega-Pro and JK-WIN trailed behind.

Some 176,367,056 eligible voters including 1,133,738 Indonesians overseas were expected to have voted for their presidential candidates in the country’s second direct presidential election on Wednesday.

Three presidential and vice presidential candidate pairs are competing in the election, namely former president Megawati Soekarnoputri and her running mate retired general Prabowo Subianto, incumbent president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Boediono, and incumbent vice president M Jusuf Kalla and retired general Wiranto.

JK Congratulates SBY

CIKEAS, INDONESIA - Presidential candidate Jusuf Kalla phoned presidential candidate Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) to congratulate him on his victory based on the results of quick counts. Yudhoyono received Kalla’s phone call before a group of journalists at his Puri Cikeas Indah residence on Thursday.

Previously, Choel Mallarangeng, one of Yudhoyono’s campaign team members, asked reporters to standby because, he said, there would be a breaking news in a short while. Not long thereafter, Yudhoyono received Kalla’s phone call in front of tens of gathering reporters.

"As you witnessed just now, I have just contacted Pak (Mr) Kalla. He congratulated me, and with full respect I thanked him for his congratulation," Yudhoyono told reporters.

Even though the relations between the two up to now are still as the president and vice president, Yudhoyono considered Kalla’s phone call as an important gesture which involved two presidential candidates who competed in the 2009 presidential election.

"I am happy with this because the people could see that in politics there is a stiff competition, harsh but good relations could be maintained. This is a democracy in elections that should be developed in this country. Friendly communications should continue to be built so that democracy would continue to develop maturely," Yudhoyono said.

When he had the phone call with Kalla, Yudhoyono also said that the campaign teams of the two candidates might have contradictions and harshly competed, but they did all this because they were merely carrying out their tasks.

"But now they have completed their tasks and I hope they would be united and build their friendly relations anew," he said. In the telephone conversation, the incumbent President told his vice president that Kalla had contributed his great services to the state and nation.

"In the future, I hope Pak Kalla would still be willing to do whatever he would based on his desire for the good of the nation and state," he said.

Quick Count Presidential Election 2009

Selasa, 07 Juli 2009

Quick Count Presidential Election 2009

Pemilu (Public Vote) President 2009 Pemilu President will hold on 8 July 2009. Three pairs of candidates and the presidential candidate's vice presidential candidate has been set. Megawati Soekarno Putri pair with Prabowo Subianto, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) with a pair Boediono, while Jusuf Kalla pair with Wiranto.

A number of institutions continue to survey results released newest survey from various perspectives. In terms of popularity, seemingly SBY Boediono pair was in the first order. Even a survey, the institute issued a prediction that elections will take a President lap. Although the institute is funded by the survey is one of the candidates, but the survey results should be remain on the science of statistics, namely meet azas kerandoman data. .
Effect survey

There are three reactions that appear in the middle of the community associated with the results of the survey. The first effect is called Bandwagon effect or participate-follow-up. Community will support the candidate who chooses by the survey. Bandwagon effect also commonly called Cromo effect. Second effect is the effect Bradley or also commonly called the Wilder effect, where the community will support the candidate who does not chooses survey by the release. And the last is neutral, where people are not affected the results of the survey.

Both the bandwagon effect and the effect is usually only Bradley will affect the swing voter or voters who have not yet determine the options that make the survey as a preference. Candidate that will benefit by the existence of this effect is that candidates are able to tell him in accordance with the proportion of the influence of the level effects. If viewed from the culture of our society, most people tended to support candidates' abused ', but most others will support the candidate who is very popular. Therefore, to win the Presidential Election this time successful team must see the beautiful condition that occurs in the community and respond with the appropriate political communication.

However, please note that the survey conducted before the plebiscite is held only public opinion. Surveyed that when they choose a candidate not later when the vote remains a candidate is selected. So he can still select a candidate, or candidate to change the option B, or not even choose.
Quick Count and Exit Poll

It is different with the Quick Count and Exit Poll. Count in and Quick Exit Poll, which released the results is the fact that occurred in the poll. Although the two different methods, but the sample is a sample taken after the real vote takes place, not just opinion. In the Quick Count this sample is the TPS, while in the Exit Poll in which the sample is an individual voter. Samples are taken randomly with a certain amount that, according to population statistics can represent voters.

8 July 2009 we will again see how science will be able to 'read' more quickly and accurately the results of the 2009 Presidential Election. Much faster than sound recapitulation manually. However, the results of Quick Exit Poll and the Count can not be used as benchmarks. Which is the basis of the results remain KPU. Moreover, if the difference in sound acquisition Quick Count is below the margin of error, it may be the result reversed.
Are Quick Count is free from the interests of Politics?

Election Quick Count 2009Jawabannya is not. Both the Count and Quick Exit Poll still are used for political interests. Usually people believe will direct result of the release of Quick Count. This can be used by candidates who play to disguise the foul his dishonest. Therefore, many institutions require a survey through the Quick Count tool that can be a benchmark in the community. However, it remains at risk if the results issued institutions survey is significantly different in terms of sequence acquisition vote because people can cause restlessness.

In this case the role of political elites is crucial to muffle emotions his constituent. If the political elite can be noble, ready to win less, then the community can be ascertained under will also be the case. With the victory is a record obtained with the honest and polite and provides good political education to the community.

Congratulations for the 2009 Presidential Election, I hope to run direct, general, free, confidential, honest and fair or LUBER JURDIL. Anyone who will become President and Vice President, let the people must be the actual winner. Society must be living side by side in peaceful, prosperous, intelligent and dignified, in accordance with Pancasila and trust the 1945 Constitution.

Keep Spirit Indonesia, Merdeka!!!!


Minggu, 05 Juli 2009


JAKARTA – Get Big Success with THE MASTER, RCTI create programs similar to the children, the JUNIOR MASTER.

The program will run every Sunday starting July 5 2009, 17.30-19.30 WIB (05.30-07.30 pm) has almost the same concept with THE MASTER. Only difference between the finalists The Junior Master will accompanied one of the finalists of THE MASTER will act as a sister tutor at the same time assistants. However, the finalists will perform their own without the help their senior.

RCTI has an audition at The Master Junior RCTI office, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta, on Wednesday, 24 June 2009. Of 93 participants in the audition sign-up, 7 people have been selected that are considered best able to show a degree to get The Junior Master.

Among the 7 people found this twin pair will appear in a duet, so that overall the finalists who competed as of 6 people. They are Asror khoiruh Bantani (Asror) origin from Banten, Joya, Chriss Leon (Leon), Nova Tuhfan Nabielah (nabila), Glenn Geraldi, The Twin Illusionists Doddy and Donny.

The finalists not only come from Jakarta, but also come from various areas such as Medan, Sidoarjo, Banten, and so forth. All participants aged between 6 to 14 years.

Act as the jury Dedy Corbuzier and Rommy Rafael, and a Master Tarno will alternately appear with Rommy Rafael. There will also have two guest judges have considered the older brother figure and a good mother.

Each week there will be a finalist to be based on the results of surveys from SMS. Adi Nugroho selected as the host so that the typical atmosphere of cheerful children remain awake.

Although the talent show the searches magic, according to some people tend to be bleak and full of mystery, The Junior Master will still fun to bring the world unique childhood.

Spectators will be witnessing magic tricks at a time will see the special magic of the world's smoothness and fun typical of children. Want to know what exclaim him as The Master Junior? Watch THE MASTER JUNIOR in second episode next week on RCTI only.


Sabtu, 04 Juli 2009


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