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2 People Died Because of Pig Flu in Thailand

Sabtu, 27 Juni 2009

2 People Died Because of Pig Flu in Thailand

BANGKOK - Thailand's Ministry of Health mengonfirmasi two swine flu sufferer in the country, died this Saturday. This is the first case of death due to flu A (H1N1) in Thailand.

The Thai health ministry says women aged 40 years in fact have died since June 20 in a hospital in Bangkok. However, the ministries of health be a new Friday night. Be so Reuters, Saturday (27/6/2009).

Meanwhile, a man aged 42 years died on the Saturday morning.

In Thailand alone there are currently 1,200 people with flu A (H1N1). The first case was detected on 12 May.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) as of June 26, the number of the victims died due to flu A (H1N1) has reached 263 people. While the number of cases that are reported to reach 59,418 people in 113 countries.

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