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Recurring Miscarriage mystery

Sabtu, 14 November 2009

Recurring Miscarriage mystery

The death of the womb often seems mysterious, unexplained. In fact, it often considered just a coincidence. Though is not always the case. According to dr Kanadi Sumapraja, SpOG, MSc from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology FKUI RSCM, the incidence of spontaneous abortion in the population ranges from 15-20 percent for the entire pregnancy.

Recurrent miscarriages can cause mental stress and trauma for the couple who wanted children. For women, recurrent miscarriage trigger guilt because consider themselves unable to sustain pregnancy.

Kanadi say, a woman can be called recurrent miscarriage if miscarried three times or more consecutive pregnancies at less than 24 weeks.

However, for Kanadi, investigating the causes of miscarriage can actually be done after the woman suffered a miscarriage. Especially if the couple wanted immediate presence of offspring.

"It was almost three times just after the new experience may be investigated. And can any time I have problems because of the blame and women, "he said.

If it viewed from the age of incidence of miscarriage during pregnancy, a miscarriage can be classified as a pre embryonic miscarriage (going under the age of 6 weeks of pregnancy), miscarriage of embryonic (6-8 weeks gestation), miscarried fetuses (8-12 weeks gestation), fetal abortion information (12-24 weeks of gestation).

Miscarriage and embryonic pre embryonic many events associated with chromosomal abnormalities, hormonal abnormalities, endometrial disorders, and immunological factors. The fetus miscarried early and advanced many disorders associated with anti phospholipids syndrome and trombofilia.

"Therefore, it is important to know the miscarriage of pregnancy occurs, the previous scan, to the structure of the fetus, for example, has seen her heart or not," he said. Armed with such knowledge can be known early miscarriage categories and can assist the investigation or examination of a doctor.

Blood coagulation

There are many possible causes of miscarriage. In fact, there is a miscarriage that can not be explained. To know for certain required intensive examination.

So far dr Karnadi said, some researchers study the results show that genetic abnormalities, uterine anatomy, anti phospholipids syndrome, and trombofilia have a strong relationship with the miscarriage.

An estimated 7 percent-25 percent of patients with recurrent miscarriage have an association with anti phospholipids syndrome. Anti phospholipids antibodies accelerate blood clotting and trigger a blood clot.

Miscarriage because phospholipids syndrome caused by thrombosis or formation of blood clots block blood flow to the placenta. As a result, babies do not get the nutrients from the blood, or a little less growth, and then died.

In cases of recurrent miscarriage are thus the use of heparin, a compound to prevent blood clots, has long been known.

Therapeutic effect of heparin on recurrent miscarriage cases caused by anti phospholipids syndrome is not only due to the effect of anticoagulant or blood dilution. However, it can also because of other effects. Apparently, heparin is also has the effect of phospholipids inhibit the binding of antibodies, triggered the anti-inflammatory effects, and facilitate the process of placental implantation.

"The experiences of traumatic miscarriage do not have to happen," said Kanadi. If investigated and the cause is known and given proper treatment, women who miscarry often give birth to babies with a safe and healthy.

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