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All About Cyst

Kamis, 04 Maret 2010

All About Cyst

A cyst is a closed sac, having a distinct membrane and division on the nearby tissue. It may contain air, fluids, or semi-solid material. A collection of pus is called an abscess, not a cyst. Once formed, a cyst could go away on its own or may have to be removed through surgery.


Cyst is a fluid-filled sac. Ovarian cysts (or ovarian cysts) means bag containing liquids, normally small, which is located in the ovary (ovarian). Ovarian cysts can form at any time, at the time of puberty until menopause, also during pregnancy.

Etiology (cause)
Ovarian cysts caused by a disturbance (formation) hormone in the hypothalamus, pituitary, and ovaries. Cysts affect woman's menstrual cycle due to a disturbed hormonal system. Naturally, growth hormone would regulate egg in the ovary. Medical has not been able to clearly explain how women's hormonal cycles disturbed patients. However, numerous studies continue to be done to solve these medical cases to the number of patient’s cysts may be suppressed.

Such follicles are sacs in the ovary containing the egg cell. In the case of cysts, follicles in the ovary only were little. Eggs in the follicles do not mature, so do not get into the ovary. Instead, it will form crystals in the ovary.

This is what causes a woman infertile. Follicles are not mature and the inability to distribute the egg (ovulation process) seems to be the cause of the low amount of follicle stimulating hormone (HSF), exceeds the content of androgen hormones in the ovary. A woman who was diagnosed with cysts usually aged around 20 - 30 years. Usually women who have cysts, if traced his family genealogy, there are mothers or grandmothers who have symptoms similar cysts.

Women who have cysts in the ovaries will experience symptoms as follows:

  1. Having irregular periods, abnormal, and meetings in the period
  2. There are times absent, usually (but not always) occurs after one or more normal menstrual periods
  3. Incurred severe acne and very disturbing
  4. Experienced shrinkage of breast size
  5. Experience in the development of male characteristics (virilization), such as hair growing all over his body and face, the voice turned hard and deep, cilitorus size enlarged.
  6. Diabetes
  7. Hair becomes thicker like a man
  8. Sterile or not having done offspring despite treatment
  9. Insulin content of very little
  10. Overweight, obesity

Normal Cyst

Functional cyst
This is the type of ovarian cysts are most commonly found. These cysts derived from egg cells and the corpus luteum, coincided with the normal menstrual cycle. Functional cysts will grow each month and will break the fertile period, to release the egg on time ready to be fertilized by sperm. After rupture, the cyst will be functional cysts will disappear folikuler and during menstruation. Consists of functional cysts: follicular cysts and corpus luteum cyst. Both do not bother, do not cause symptoms itself and can disappear within 6-8 weeks.

Abnormal cysts Type
You mean the word "abnormal" is not normal here, not public, or not usually (there are, arise, arise, or occurred). Any type or form of cysts, but cysts is functional cysts, abnormal, for example:

1. Cystadenoma
Cysts are derived from the outer ovary cells. Usually benign, but can be enlarged and may cause pain.
2. Chocolate cyst (endometrioma)
It is Endometrial which is not in right place. Called chocolate cysts because of they contain blood heap blackish brown. Problems in the handling of these cysts are a high level relapse. So, after surgery to be done, these cysts can grow back over time. These cysts are much influenced hormone estrogen (a hormone produced by the ovaries). To reduce the possibility of relapse, we can give drugs to suppress the hormone estrogen. One of them, using substances leuprorelin acetate (contained in Tapros). In addition, we ca also used other drugs such as danazol, an inhibitor of the enzyme aromatase and the contraceptive pill.

The hormone estrogen, produced by the ovaries in addition, can also result from changes in androgen substances in the body fat tissue. That is why; recommended weight is in an ideal area for levels of estrogen in fat tissue is not high. Substance dioxin pollution contained in the occurrence of any alleged influence of endometriosis, although still needs further research.

Another problem associated with endometriosis is infertility (difficulty conceiving). In endometriosis patients usually occurs an adhesion in their reproductive organs. Infertility is influenced mild endometriosis suffered weight. Examination necessary reproductive organs, including whether the oviduct (fallopian tube) is congested or not. After that can be given drugs trigger ovulation.

However, if endometriosis suffered heavy enough to adhesions of the reproductive organs, too heavy, it is necessary to program in vitro fertilization (IVF) or IVF to get pregnant.

3. Dermoid cyst
It is a cyst that contains various types of body parts such as skin, nails, hair, teeth and fat. These cysts can be found in both parts of the ovary. Usually small and do not cause symptoms.
4. Endometriosis Cyst
Is a cyst that occurs because there is a part of the endometrial outside the uterus. These cysts grow along with the growth of endometrial lining every month, causing severe pain, especially during menstruation and infertility.
5. Cyst hemorrhage
Functional cysts are accompanied by bleeding that causes pain on one side of the lower abdomen.
6. Lutein cyst
Cysts are common during pregnancy. Several types of lutein cysts include:
a. Granulosa lutein cyst
It is a cyst that occurred in the ovarian corpus luteum function. Cysts that arise at the beginning of pregnancy can be enlarged due to the excessive accumulation of blood during menstruation and not the result of the tumor. Diameter that reached 5-6 cm cause discomfort in the pelvic area. If broken, bleeding will occur in the abdominal cavity.
In non-pregnant women, these cysts cause late periods, followed by irregular bleeding.
b. Theca lutein cysts
It is a cyst containing clear fluid and the color of straw. The emergence of this cyst associated with ovarian tumors and hormone therapy.
7. Polycystic ovarian cysts
Cysts is due unable cyst rupture and release eggs continuously. Usually occur every month. The ovary will enlarge due to accumulation of these cysts. For polycystic ovarian cysts that persist (persistent), the operation must be done to remove the cyst in order to not cause interference and pain.

Ovarian cyst was a benign and malignant (cancerous). Usually small cysts are benign. Ovarian cysts are often discovered accidentally on routine examination.

Clinical Manifestation
Clinical manifestations of ovarian cysts include:
1. Often without symptoms.
2. Pain during menstruation.
3. Pain in the lower abdomen.
4. Pain during intercourse.
5. Pain in the back sometimes spreads to the legs.
6. Sometimes accompanied by pain on urination and / or defecate.
7. Irregular menstrual cycles; could also amount of blood that came out a lot.

The clinical manifestations of ovarian cancer include:
1. Changes in menstruation.
2. Sensation of pain or pain during intercourse (dyspareunia).
3. Persistent digestive disorders, such as: bloating, nausea.
4. Changes in bowel habits, eg, difficult defecation (= constipation, constipation, obstipasi)
5. Changes in urination, such as: frequent urination.
6. Enlarged abdomen, one character is felt tight pants.
7. Loss of appetite or feeling full quickly (stomach feel full).
8. Flavor easily tired or feeling is always less energy.
9. The pain of (bone) lower back (low back pain).

The tests can be done to determine whether a woman had a cyst in the ovaries:
1. Abdominal ultrasound
2. Abdominal MRI
3. Biopsy of the ovary
4. Estrogen levels
5. Fasting glucose and insulin levels
6. FSH levels
7. Male hormone (testosterone) levels
8. Urine 17-ketosteroids
9. Vaginal ultrasounds

Blood tests are performed:
• Pregnancy test (serum HCG)
• Proactin levels
• Function test Throd

Enforcement Diagnosis
The diagnosis of ovarian cysts established by ultrasound examination or ultrasound (abdominal or transvaginal), colposcopy screening, and blood tests (tumor markers, or sign tumors).
Laboratory examination
In practice, if necessary obstetricians will recommend to conduct discharge (which includes: Trichomonas, Candida / fungi, bacteria stems, Coccus, epithelial, lekosit, erythrocytes, epithelial, and pH) and hematology, such as: Hb (hemoglobin).

1. Observations
If the cyst does not cause symptoms, it is monitored (monitored) for 1-2 months, because functional cysts will disappear by itself after one or two menstrual cycles. This action is taken if not suspicious malignant (cancerous).
2. Operation
If the cyst grows, so do surgery performed the act of taking the cyst with laparoscopy. Normally for your laparoscopy was discharged on day-to-3 or 4, while for laparoscopy that you are allowed to go home at day-to-8 or 9.
3. Herbal Therapy
Here are some examples of recipes / herbs to address medicinal plants according to Prof. ovarian cysts. H.M. Hembing Wijayakusuma:
  • 60 grams fresh white Intersection + sambiloto 15 grams 30 grams of dried or fresh, boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, filtered, water is taken twice a day, each time drank 150 cc.
  • God leaves 30 grams + 50 grams of fresh appointment + 5 grams mango pulp dried gods crown, boiled with 800 cc of water until the remaining 400 cc, filtered, water is taken twice a day, each time drank 200 cc.
  • 60 grams of parasites that live on tea tree + 30 grams of grass or grass-pearl serpent tongue of white flowers, boiled with 800 cc of water until the remaining 400 cc, filtered, water is taken twice a day, each time drank 200 cc.
Note: grass snake's tongue dry white flowers can be purchased at drug stores with the name tionghoa bai hua she she cao. To use the pot boiling the ground, pot enamel, or glass pan. Choose one of the above recipes, drink regularly, and still consult a doctor to monitor / evaluate the results of therapy.

Treatment for cysts depends on female patients with symptoms that arise.
1. Birth control pills
2. Clomiphene citrate
3. Flutamide
4. Spironolactone

Treatment with clomiphene citrate causes the pituitary gland increases production of HSF. This will help the egg to mature and can be streamed to the ovary. Many times a woman takes drugs to trigger a strong pregnancy.
For women who have cysts, they also have a risk with diabetes mellitus. Therefore, treatment with glucophane (metformin) will be given to make cells more sensitive to produce insulin, which causes the process to return to normal ovulation.
Lose weight with a diet will greatly help to reduce high levels of insulin in the blood.

Complications caused cyst
1. Greater risk of endometrial cancer
2. Sterility occurs
3. Something to do with obesity; raised blood pressure
4. Diabetes
5. Risk of breast cancer

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