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British Men Sleep average by 9 people

Jumat, 25 September 2009

British Men Sleep average by 9 people

LONDON - The average man or woman is British citizens indirectly ‘sleep' with 2.8 million people. Thus the total count made new calculators, which was launched in order to increase awareness of the importance of sexual health.

UK Pharmacy Network has launched a calculator "online" that help you calculate how many partners you have. This becomes an important tool associated with the risk of sexually transmitted diseases is so much happening in this country.

This tool will calculate the amount based on your current partner, previous, first and then for six generations previous partner. The average British man claims to have slept with 9 men, while women with 6.3 to 7.65.

"When we sleep with someone, the effect is, we do not just sleep with her, but also with their partners and spouses from previous partners and so on," explained Clare Kerr, Head of Sexual Health from Lloydspharmacy.

"It's important that people understand how easily they'll get STDs and to be careful with using a condom and went to the doctor."

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